...for information about Space One Eleven Gallery and Art Education Programs in Birmingham.
(or) ...for any questions or suggestions about the art itself. Don't forget the dashes.
The UNITE union logo on the 16 transparencies hung in the exhibit is not there because the United Needle Industrial Trade Employees either solicited, funded, or in any way directed the art. It is there as part of the art which, though not consciously intended as a reply to Warhol, does reflect the dialectic in international art at year two thousand: what is the negation of the negation that was POP?. The transparencies printed with the union bug are exhibited as fine art. Others to be sold as shower curtains, window shades, and rain capes to raise funds to protect US union jobs will be printed in China. We hope they come with reprints of the International Labor Label stickers attached, and some of the text filled in; at least the logo of a Chinese trade union interested in solidarity building with UNITE.
Thanks to WilliamCoe for helping get the live in time for BSDW2000