How can I see that my working time required to buy this tennis shoe is a fair trade?
Did I get a fair trade? Show me the labor in it. Average time added til I buy,
by in-laws round the earth we're spread to work for daily bread.
Student 5: Now that the working time is the gasoline from the Saudi kings is about the same as the working time in the gas from the Texas scene,
Student 6: Why does the working time to buy the gas go up and down,when the working time that's in the gas stays just about the same?
Labor leader 3: They may be deaf. But ask the IMF
Response III
How can I see that my working time required to buy this gasoline is a fair trade?
Did I get a fair trade? Show me the labor in it. Average time added til I buy,
by in-laws, round the earth we're spread, to work for daily bread.
Rap IV
Student 7: Now that the working time in a program writ-ten in Bombay is about the same as the working time in one from San Jose.
Student 8: Tell me, Is the working time to pay to get on the internet around the world about the same?
In "new tech," what means "Fair Game"?
Labor leader 4: Hey, Ain't I able? Cain't I label!
Response IV
So that I show that my_ working time required to buy__ my daily bread on my hourly pay
and where and on what day. We can show you the labor. Average time added on our shift.
Make the W.T. O. show I. L. O. transparency s not myth. . . . . how?